Arrival of the Black Dragon and general updates.

Peeking out from my rock to update everyone! Notable event this week was the Black Dragon arrived (my Subaru) from Alaska! A friend of a friend just happened to be driving to Washington to haul a trailer and his daughter’s car, only she ended up staying another semester in Anchorage but her Father had already committed to bringing the trailers back to Alaska, so he took my car in place of hers 🙂 By far the cheapest and easiest route for me to get a decent set of wheels. I’m so grateful to all those who made it happen and for Kathy’s amazing friendship (she is the one who knew the giving gentleman). While I know a few people were thinking that they would be road tripping with me to get me car, this truly worked out for the best and I can now save what little money I have to use for better time to spend with love ones. And for those who are now crying “NO” at the news that I am not flying to Anchorage to get my car and catch up with friends, I am indeed still come up this summer (River too)! July instead of June but I’ll actually have more time to see everybody! Kathy and Dave need a good Dog sitter and who better than the pooches favorite trainer? Details coming soon. Just try to be around for the first half of July my Alaskans.

Now, for the East Coasters;                                                                                                                                                 I have officially signed up for another wonderful Tracker School class in August. The actual course is from the 12th to the 18th. So I’ll be visiting all over the place BEFORE the class! Reuben is also going to venture to Tracker School (trying to contain myself here). He will be attending the Standard class the week before me. I’m beyond excited for him to experience Tracker. I plan to see the Family and friends in Tennessee before I head up to New Jersey and the Eastern Shore of Maryland to see other family and friends. I am hoping to have ample time so as to fit everyone and everything in without destroying myself in the process. Reuben sadly will not be around for entire trip due to him having an actual career (my job doesn’t really count so I am not as restricted). River of course is coming (unless some odd unforeseen circumstance comes up) and will chill with one of the many family and friends who like to ‘babysit’ her while I am at Tracker. Again everyone who wishes to see me needs to be in the same time zone and make all reasonable attempts to meet me (probably not going to be able to go to everyone’s individual houses to visit.. ‘ahem’ my Maryland and Virginia family…)

Stoked I am for the travels. Also a little apprehensive for the coming trip down memory lane in Tennessee, I know while it will be wonderful to see everyone – particularly the kids – I will also be battling demons that cannot be vanquished and struggling with changes. I can only hope that no one takes it too personally and that they still love me by the end of the trip if I just disappear randomly throughout the visit!

Exact details, dates and arrival plans will be posted as they come, just wanted to start the ball rolling! ~Joannie


What rock have I been hiding under?

Wow it’s almost the end of May… Odd I could have sworn it was still April last week! I’ve been very lax about writing and just generally keeping in touch with people (my apologies). I started working at Teavana (an upscale Tea store i.e retail) in mid April. Was pretty thrilled at first, lots of training to do for it but was fun since the staff was really chill. Then my wonderful manager left the company, a few others had to move on and the corporate spawn came riding in to ‘save us’. Been humming to myself a little tune ‘it’s not forever’ ever since.. though the discounts are quite good for employees. Basically a retail nightmare and all things to never do if you want your business to succeed. Just another learning experience right? Ugh.

My car is now en route to Seattle! Kathy and Dave G. who have been housing it for me have a friend who just happened to be taking a trailer down through Canada and next thing I know, it’s a done deal! Looking forward to have a bit more out of the city freedom, not to mention the better quality jobs that I actually enjoy which immediately become possible with my own transport. Kathy and Dave just keep finding more ways to help me and my futile words of Thank-you still seem wholly inadequate. Maybe if I say it enough it will help makeup the balance!

When not working I’m usually trying to sleep or make some appointment on time. Reuben has been sick a few times within the last month and it seems to linger with me as well. It could also just be the whole Spring season, next to Reuben I think I’m the only person who thinks that other than the flowers budding out, Spring is vastly overrated. But I like to think my dislike stems from the unlucky bunching of dates marking horrible experiences. Like Mother’s Day just a couple of weekends ago. Obviously not at my best. I’ve begun making plans for travel later this Summer. In August I’ll be in learning heaven at the Tracker School and will visit the Farm before or after the class. Details will be posted as they come. Depending on the job scene will depend on how much time I’ll have to fit everything in.

That is the basic overview update on things. River is doing well and finds things to get into on a daily base 🙂

~ J